Registration Form & Workshop Rules and Regulations
What is the Madhapar Dance Workshop?
The workshop started in 2001. Main objectives of the workshop are:
- Train the gaam members professionally and provide them special skills to perform on the stage programme.
- Provide the extra learning platform free of charge, so they do not need to go to the private school.
- Train our children for leadership skill.
- Improve and provide the best performance on Our Annual General Function.
Who can take part?
Only the member of Madhapar is eligible to participate in the workshop. Those who are interested to join the Workshop must complete the registration form. There is age restriction, therefore only those aged 6+ will be accepted. However, if a younger child shows special quality and ability in dancing we will accept him or her. This is entirely at the discretion of workshop sub-committee and with the agreement of choreographers.
What happens once, I have completed registration form?
You will receive a letter from the workshop. You have to be available to attend the rehearsal between 19:30-21:30 on every Tuesday from February to August. Rehearsal will be held at The Kingsbury Green Primary School. We will notify you the time table for the rehearsal and we will provide the copy of the song CD.
The participants must practice at home, as rehearsals will concentrate on the choreography of new steps. Parents must ensure that their child has practiced and perfected the taught steps prior to attending the next rehearsal.
What if I can not come to the rehearsal?
All participants must arrive in good time to ensure he/she is ready to dance at 7.35pm. If any participant is due to go on holiday he/she must inform his/her group Leader as soon as possible. If any participant is unable to attend a rehearsal he/she must notify his/her Group Leader, at least 2 days prior to rehearsal. If a participant misses a rehearsal he/she must make an effort to contact another member of their group in an attempt to learn the missed steps prior to next rehearsal.
Participants, who continually miss rehearsals without good reason or not informing the Group Leader must note that this may result in participants being removed from the workshop.
What if I want to do my own performance? Registration Form & ย Non-Workshop Rules and Regulations
Do I still have to attend the workshop?
No, you are not required to attend the workshop as you will be regarded as a non-workshop group. You must register your item before 30th June, by Downloading and completing the Dance Registration Form by click the link above, and emailing it to the below email address. Please read the non-workshop rules and regulations
Non-workshop groups must show their performance at least twice to the workshop committee before the grand rehearsal. The workshop committee will give you two weeks notice prior the date is fixed. Completed Item must be shown on the day of the Grand rehearsal.
What about costumes and other props? Who provides them?
Parents/participants will be responsible for costs incurred for costumes, jewellery and make up. We will appoint two volunteers from each group to take charge for the hiring of the costumes and jewellery. KMK Workshop committee member will provide you with a list of contacts for costume hire.
You can send your registration forms and for further information regarding the Madhapar Dance Workshop, please email Workshop leaders:
Manjula Khokhani and Shanta Siani- at
Downloadable documents
Registration Form