

Download Full Constitution Document here


Kutch Madhapar Communityโ€™s vision is of a community in which people are inspired to make a positive difference to their social life and to their community.


Kutch Madhapar Community is a vibrant organisation that serves its members, by providing an atmosphere to create a thriving community


  • The advancement of education, cultural and social activities amongst children and adult members.
  • Relief of poverty and distress amongst Madhapar community whether in United Kingdom or abroad.
  • To Religious activities amongst Madhapar community.
  • To promote the interests of Madhapar community by any method deemed appropriate.
  • Provision or assistant in the provision of facilities for sports and recreation and other leisure time activities.
  • To take part in any activity deemed appropriate that is organised by any body, voluntarily, statutorily, or otherwise constituted. The purpose of which include the interests of the members of this organisation;
  • To make donations to the deserving causes as appropriate from time to time.
  • Generally to promote the welfare and interests of the community.

Membership Eligibility

All persons, over the age of eighteen, of the Madhapar Community in the UK shall be eligible for membership of the organisation. All applications shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. Notwithstanding anything in these rules, the Executive Committee may, by giving four weeksโ€™ notice in writing, terminate the membership of any member. Amount of subscription shall be as determined at the annual general meeting from time to time.

All paid-up members shall have, subject to these rules, equal rights of representation and participation in the affairs of the organisation.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall be elected every two years and shall comprise:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Assistant Secretaries (two posts)
  • Treasurer
  • Assistant Treasurer
  • Public Relation Officer
  • Assistant Public Relation Officer
  • Six Advisors


Every sub-committee shall report the progress of activities undertaken by them to the Executive Committee. The sub-committee may if desirable, draft its own rules within the framework of this constitution subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.


The organisation shall at all times have five elected Trustees who would be notified of and be entitled to attend Executive Committee meetings. They will be elected every five years.

Misconduct and public liability at an organised event

A member can be banned or expelled for misconduct or actions detrimental to the organisation. No liability shall attach to the organisation for any loss or injury to any person at, before or after the event.

Records and books

Any member shall have the right to check and inspect the account books and other records of the organisation. The member wishing to see such records shall give written notice to the Secretary to that effect. The inspection shall be in the presence of the President.


Upon the dissolution the organisation, the available funds shall be used for such charitable purposes as decided by the Trustees.

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